Become an OSCA Member

OSCA Members enjoy numerous benefits, including complete access to our online community. We have membership options for professionals, students and retirees.

Your Members-Only Benefits

The OSCA community is comprised of current and retired Oregon school counselors, as well as students and professionals in graduate programs. We are collaborative colleagues across the state who are passionate about our students, our communities, and the advancement of our profession. Whether you need an expert opinion on a legal or ethical issue, friendly guidance on how to communicate with a parent, or are just looking for new ideas and techniques, OSCA's membership community is here to help.

With paid membership of any type - Professional, Student or Retiree - you receive access to members-only professional development events, online community, conference discount, and more, including:

  • Early and discounted registration fee for the OSCA Annual Conference occurring each fall and OSCA's annual spring professional development event
  • OSCA Outlook e-newsletter (received bimonthly, five times a year) and other members-only email updates
  • OSCA's online community, providing on-demand resources, peer-to-peer support, regular updates on all things school counseling, and more
  • Members-only professional development events and webinars
  • Eligibility for the Don Perkins Scholarship Grant, awarded up to $500 each year (only OSCA members who are employed as school counselors are eligible)

Your membership supports:

  • The advancement of our profession through the creation of a strong, connected Oregon school counselor community
  • Advocacy for key legislative issues at the state and national level that impact school counselors and students, including a close working relationship with our national leader, ASCA
  • Funding of the Don Perkins Scholarship Grant and funding of two scholarship opportunities to enhance the future of school counseling in our state via the annual Linda C. Eby scholarship

Join Now

11222 SE Main Street #22705, Portland, OR, 97222

© 2025 Oregon School Counselor Association Online Community