Each year, OSCA is pleased to honor one School Counselor of the Year, provide three scholarships for high school seniors, and provide one grant for school counselors.
Oregon School Counselor of the Year
NOW OPEN! We are now accepting applications for the Oregon SCOY Award. Nominations due March 31, 2025.
Linda C. Eby Scholarship
NOW OPEN! We are now accepting applications for the Linda C. Eby Scholarship. Applications due March 15, 2025.
Don Perkins Professional Grant
Congratulations to this year's winners - Tara Roddy, Mary Ahern, Bree Garcia, Kacey Anderson of Willamette High School.
Download this flyer to tell your students about the Linda C. Eby Scholarship. Applications due March 15, 2025.
Winners of the Don Perkins Grant
February 1, 2025
Congratulations to the winners of this year's Don Perkins Grant - Tara Roddy, Mary Ahern, Bree Garcia, Kacey Anderson of Willamette High School in Bethel School District. The Don Perkins Grant will support their implementation of University Road Trip, which provides 30 rising seniors, many from first-generation or historically marginalized backgrounds, with the opportunity to embark on a five-day journey to visit all eight public universities in Oregon.
During the trip, students participate in guided campus tours, attend classes, stay in university dorms, and interact with current students and faculty. They also earn high school credit by completing a student exploration journal to reflect on their experiences and aspirations. The ultimate goal is to increase the percentage of students applying to universities.
The program fits into their Comprehensive School Counseling Program's Vision Statement by focusing on:
- Students successfully transitioning throughout their educational pathways to graduate be career and college ready.
- Students graduating as successful, lifelong learners and productive members of society, achieving their fullest potential, and making a positive difference in both local and global communities.
Briana Meyer named 2024 Oregon School Counselor of the Year
Briana Meyer, school counselor at Hedrick Middle School in Medford, Oregon (Medford School District 549C), has been named the 2024 Oregon School Counselor of the Year by the Oregon School Counselor Association (OSCA). Meyer, a graduate of Oregon State University – Cascades’s Masters of School Counseling Program, has been a counselor for 5 years and has been with Hedrick Middle School since 2020.
This award honors the professional school counselor who devotes their career to serving as advocates for students by addressing their academic achievement, social-emotional development, and career and college readiness.
Meyer is known for her leadership in her building and throughout the district and was the 2023-2024 Counselor of the Year for the Medford School District. Meyer built an ASCA-aligned school counseling program at Hedrick Middle School which has been adopted at other schools in the district. Meyer has implemented numerous interventions - including small groups, a peer mediation program and one-on-one targeted meetings - to reduce students’ social anxiety, provide academic support, explore and prepare for careers, and help build peer relationship skills. She has also collaborated with middle school and high school counselors across the district to create supportive and seamless transitions for all middle school students, and she is a Crisis Prevention Trainer for Medford School District.
Meyer was honored as the 2024 Oregon School Counselor of the Year at the Oregon School Counselor Association Annual Conference in Eugene, OR on Friday, October 24, 2025. She will be considered a candidate for the 2026 American School Counselor Association School Counselor of the Year award.
How to Apply
When the application window is open, you'll find relevant dates and links above.
School Counselor of the Year (SCOY)
We are now accepting nominations for this year's Oregon School Counselor of the Year. Nominate a school counselor by March 31, 2025.
The School Counselor of the Year (SCOY) Award honors the best of the best - counselors who run a top-notch, comprehensive school counseling program at the elementary, middle or high school level. Please nominate your colleague who you feel exemplifies these qualities! The winner of the Oregon SCOY Award will receive a $1,000 monetary award, as well as travel and registration for the OSCA Annual Conference.
We also submit the Oregon SCOY to the application pool for the ASCA National School Counselor of the Year award. The Oregon SCOY will hold the privilege of representing OSCA at the ASCA SCOY Gala.
Linda C. Eby Scholarship
We are now accepting applications for the Linda C. Eby Scholarship. Tell your students about this great opportunity to fund their future. Applications due March 15, 2025.
OSCA is pleased to provide three scholarships for high school seniors. The goal of this scholarship is to recognize outstanding high school seniors and School Counselors in the state of Oregon.
Linda C. Eby served as a School Counselor for 33 years. She was on the Oregon School Counselor Association Board for 20 years. Her time and commitment to this profession was recognized in the Fall of 2014 when she received the Lifetime Achievement Award and the OSCA Board named its’ first-ever high school scholarship after her. The goal of this scholarship is to recognize outstanding high school seniors and School Counselors in the state of Oregon.
Eligibility and Guidelines
- Applicants must be high school seniors planning to pursue a post-secondary education.
- Please submit an essay of no more than 500 words about a school counselor who has made a difference in your academic, career, social, and/or emotional development.
- The school counselor you are writing about must be a certified school counselor in Oregon.
- All essays must be submitted through the application form during our annual application window.
One winner will receive $3,000. Two runner-ups will each receive $1,000.
NOW OPEN! Apply by March 15, 2025.
Don Perkins Professional Grant
OSCA is pleased to provide a grant for school counselors. The goal of this grant is to support school counselors in developing programs and receive training in order to benefit students.
Congratulations to this year's winners - Tara Roddy, Mary Ahern, Bree Garcia, Kacey Anderson from Willamette High School in the Bethel School District.
- We will share information about the next round of grant funding during the 2025 OSCA Annual Conference on October 10, 2025.
- You may request up to $500.
- OSCA members employed as school counselors are eligible.
- The most recent winner was announced on February 1, 2025.
- Recipients must spend grant funds by the end of the following school year. The exact date is provided each year. For 2024-2025, recipients must spend grant funds by June 1, 2025. Dates for 2025-2026 are to be determined.
- We honor one recipient each application cycle.
If selected to receive the Don Perkins Grant, we ask that you submit a program proposal for a break-out session at the OSCA Conference that follows receipt of a grant (i.e., if you receive a grant in April, you will propose a break-out session at next October's conference). Alternately, you can write a brief article for the OSCA newsletter describing what you did, how students benefited, and your recommendations to other school counselors, due before the OSCA Conference following receipt of grant.
Examples of programs and training OSCA has funded:
- Crisis Response training for counselors
- Library of resources for parents
- Love & Logic training for a counselor
- Peer Mediation Training of Trainers
- Incentives program to improve students’ academic success.
Contact info@oscainc.org.
Past Oregon School Counselors of the Year
2024 Bri Milhoan; Hedrick Middle School, Medford School District
2023 Angie Chown; Sage Elementary School, Redmond School District
2022 Rebecca Cohen; West Sylvan Middle School, Portland Public Schools
2021 Ryan Marshall; South Salem High School, Salem-Keizer School District
2020 Michelle Blanchard; Redland Elementary School, Oregon City School District
2019 Ricky Almeida; West Sylvan Middle School, Portland Public Schools
2018 Christy Wheeler; Sellwood Middle School, Portland Public Schools
2017 Roberto Aguilar; Milwaukie High School, North Clackamas School District
2016 Holly Vaughn-Edmonds; Franklin High School, Portland Public Schools
2015 Holly Thompson; Rowe Middle School, North Clackamas School District
2014 Marinda Peters; Fern Hill Elementary School, Forest Grove School District
2013 Christina Lilly; Sprague High School, Salem-Keizer School District
2007 Shawn Diez; Gordon Russell Middle School, Gresham-Barlow School District
2006 Shirley Pate and Linda C. Eby
Past Linda C. Eby Scholarship Winners
2023-2024 Taylor Gates, First Place Winner; Shayna Giron, Second Place Winner; Kailee Macy, Third Place Winner; Kimara Jackson, Third Place Winner
Past Don Perkins Grant Winners
2024 Maya Bourgeois; Meadow Park Middle School, Beaverton School District
2025 Tara Roddy, Mary Ahern, Bree Garcia, Kacey Anderson; Willamette High School, Bethel School District.